Custom Bibs

If you have a baby, you know what a necessity a bib supply is!  I was doing bib loads when my little ones were at their drooling best.  You may not have had the 12 bib day yet....but once the teething begins...get a mop.

These custom bibs will help control the mess in style.  You design 'em, I stitch 'em.

Bib set of 3
with Custom Embroidery!
(+$5 shipping)

**All items are handmade and made to order.  Please let me know if you need something on a tight schedule.  Not all fabrics are held in-stock and require a trip to the fabric store.  If they are out of your choice, I will gladly suggest an alternate.  I get things made and shipped as quick as I can and strive to keep customers happy!**

Little Ones

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Since April 27, 2008

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