Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Love Monday (Tuesday Edition) and Tutorial Tuesday!

LOVE: Sing along and Dance along class with Joanie Calem. She rocks and Maggie loves her class. She is so excited when we go and sings and moves the whole way home. We are headed to the Gahanna Library today at 10am to get our fix. http://www.joaniecalem.com/

LOVE: That the kids are sleeping in. Both are still asleep right now. Maggie has been sleeping until 8 or 9 am. Jacob has been sleeping until 8am. WOO!

LOVE: That my garden might be producing. I have 2 red cherry tomatoes right now....yumm-o

LOVE: That Maggie loves the pool. We went to a birthday party on Sunday and Maggie sat by herself in the baby pool, while all the other kids ran around everywhere else, for over an hour. She was so excited when Daddy brought her her plate of food poolside. She didn't even have to get out to eat....she was in heaven. I had to wrestle her swimsuit off of her when it was time to leave.

LOVE: Getting stuff done. It's really hard with two kids, but I feel like I got a lot done yesterday. Unfortunately my blog fell off the bottom of the "to-do" list. Today is a new day.

LOVE: That Maggie will be 2 in 2 months! What a BIG kid she is turning into. I think we will have a Sesame Street themed party. She an Elmo are really close these days. He comes over to play almost daily (thanks to the DVR). Any thoughts and suggestions for this party would be appreciated.


I have seen a lot of these made for birthdays....I might consider it:


and I might combine it with this idea....


Happy Crafting!

1 comment:

Little Ones

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Where in the World are YOU From?