Monday, December 8, 2008

December 8th - DECEMBER DAYS OF CRAFTING - Fabric Coasters

Today's craft is something I found over at Fat Orange Cat. She has totally cute sewing projects! Also, be sure to check out her shop. I am very tempted to make these from some Christmas fabric scraps and just leave off an applique. That way Maggie won't break my good coasters and will stop destroying my cork coasters. I will let you know if I tackle them. Have Fun!!!


project courtesy of

1. Cut two pieces of 4.5″x4.5″ fabric and one piece of 4.5″x4.5″ batting. Set aside.

2. Draw or trace a pattern or shape in reverse onto the liner of your double stick fusible web. (First check to see which side of the liner you should draw on by peeling it apart slightly at the corner. You will draw on the side of the liner that’s still attached to the web.)

3. Peel off and discard the side of the tracing paper that you did not draw on. Stick the remaining side to the wrong side of a piece of fabric (it will not permanently stick until you iron it into place, so reposition as necessary).

4. Cut the fusible web and the fabric together along the line that you drew.

5. Peel off and discard the remaining side of the tracing paper, ensuring that the web stays stuck to the fabric.

6. Place the shape — web-side down — onto the right side of one of the pre-cut 4.5″x4.5″ pieces of fabric. Reposition as necessary. When you’re happy with the placement, iron it permanently into place by pressing for 10-15 seconds.

7. Repeat steps two through six as necessary until you’re done with your applique design.

8. Stack your three 4.5″x4.5″ pieces: batting on the bottom, one piece of fabric in the middle with the right side facing up, and one piece of fabric on top with the right side facing down. (This picture is set up just to show you which way each piece of fabric should face. When you’re ready to sew the three pieces together, they should be stacked one directly on top of the other and pinned together.)

9. Sew all three pieces together with a .25″ seam allowance, leaving a 1.5″ opening so you can turn the coaster inside-out. Trim the corners as shown.

10. Turn the coaster inside-out, ensuring that the layer of batting is on the inside, between the two layers of fabric. Gently push the corners out using a knitting needle or a chopstick. Hand stitch the 1.5″ opening.

11. Put something hot or cold on your new coaster. Repeat step 11 as neccessary.


  1. Goodness! These are just to cute!!

  2. Me Too! That's why I posted them! :) Let me know if you try them. They are on my list, but unfortunately, many projects back. You could also do an applique of a Christmas tree or a simple many possibilities!!!

  3. I've made some fabric coasters simillar to these that were quilted with no appliques. They were really easy. Hey, if I can do it, anyone can. If you want more info, let me know. I made them for my Grandma this year for Christmas.


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