Monday, December 1, 2008


Here is the first craft for our December Days of Crafting!

Easy Elegance Tree Skirt

Courtesy of Jo-Ann Stores
Designed by Nancy Valocik

•1&1/3 yd. cotton - Christmas print for top
•1&1/3 yd. cotton - Christmas print for bottom
•1&1/3 yd. quilt batting
•1 yd. ribbon for neck binding
•Assorted widths ribbons, cording and trims for around skirt, depending on ribbon widths, will need 30-50 total yds. (scrap bags are great for this! Also, feel free to raid your existing stash. It doesn't have to be Christmas, but make sure the colors blend)

1. Cut out a 45" circle from the top, bottom and batting. The best way to do this is to measure a string that is about 22.5", tie a Sharpie marker to one end and have someone hold the other end at the center of your fabric. Draw a circle with the marker. Make one cut from edge to center of circle. Cut 4" hole at center for tree trunk.

2. Cut ribbons and trims into 5" pieces (except for binding). Lay out all the trims as desired around the edge on the right side of the fabric with the edges even (the loop should go in towards the trunk and the raw edges out with the raw fabric edge). Pin in place.

3. With right sides facing, place top and batting together with batting on top. Stitch all around leaving a small opening for turning.

4. Turn right side out and hand stitch opening closed. Top stitch around edge.

5. Pin ribbon around neck edge, stitch in place.

Let me know if you give this a try! I think it seems like it might take only a couple of hours for an experienced sewer and maybe allow an afternoon for the novice. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment!!


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